Yosemite In Bloom

Yes, another Yosemite camping trip luckily with my brother this time as well. This time there were plenty of flowers coming into the park and even more flowers in the park, finally! Fields of purple lupine at the valley floor and even more colors on hikes.

Lower Pines campsite 1 was our site for the 3 days with some stunning views close by and good neighbors as well. When the storm got real heavy though a lake formed in the middle of the site and washed away couple hours later but ya glad we didn’t get washed out. First night was steak, mushrooms, lions mane and shitaki, ribeye steaks, and potatoes to build up the calories for finally getting to hike Nevada falls.

In the morning pounded down more calories then started the hike to Nevada Falls. From what started as a hike became quite a journey. We definitely didn’t go prepared, should have had a poncho but had an amazing time.

The Mist Trail definitely lives up to its name, we were soaked through by the time we got to Vernal Falls. We continued on and by the time we got to Nevada Falls was elevation climb and we were dry practically. Once at the top I got my watercolors out and began painting, what an experience it was, I didn’t need to wet my paper since some light rain started falling and was perfect for the paper and paint. Ed and Adam chilled while I painted for about 30 min. We then set off thinking the loop trail was going to be around the corner. and then the sky was dark except for the eastern sky and light up the mountain with a spectacular light show that I did catch on video. Then the storm broke over head. Very loud thunder, then rain, then hail. We were drenched again within minutes and even heard the loop trail we were thinking to take was closed, so back down the same way we came only with heavy rain and hail going down steep rocks, what a journey that was, still gives me chills remembering it. But we made it back in one piece and with my watercolors mostly in tact.

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The video when the storm broke over our heads

This was truly a unique experience especially for this hike, hope you enjoy the videos.


Watercolors at Shasta


Spring Yosemite Painting Trip wildflowers in bloom!